3D television

television that conveys depth perception to the viewer

The function of 3D television is making a two-dimensional screen look like its picture is in three dimensions. This effect starts when we observe two shifted displays.

3D televisions with glasses


Basic division of 3d technologies

  • stereoscopic 3D display – requires glasses
  • Autostereoscopic 3d display – without glasses

3D televisions in shops and e-shops are in 90% of cases stereoscopic. Glasses are used to see the picture in three dimensionals. The glasses divide display into two components (either shifted in color or otherwise).

What 3D TV can do


3D TV can do anything as well as 2D TV. The newest types of TV even can convert 2D into 3D but the quality is low.

Movies in 3D format are still scarce. Few people would invest their money into partially exploited machine.

Specification of three-dimensional perception


The best 3D television images are on larger television screens.

The closer a person sits to the screen, the stronger the 3D effect. Three-dimensional image processing is also more difficult for the brain.

Because the observation of 3D space in a 3D TV is so hard, viewers should be sitting during the watching 3D TV.