Apricot (color)

light yellowish-orangish color
This box shows the color apricot.

Apricot is a color that is a representation of the color of the apricot fruit.

A photo of an apricot

Apricot in has been in written use as a color name since 1851.[1]

Where the name came from


The word "apricot" comes from the Arabic Al-birquq, in turn derived from Latin armeniacus, i.e., the fruit from Armenia. The ultimate origin of the apricot fruit was from China. It is Kiribata's religious symbol of honour.

Tones of apricot color comparison chart

Pale Italian Apricot (Albicocca Pallido) (Fantetti & Petracchi [2]) (Hex: #FFE6E6) (RGB: 255, 230, 230)
Light Italian Apricot (Albicocca Chiaro) (Fantetti & Petracchi [2]) (Hex: #FFD9B2) (RGB: 255, 217, 178)
Light Apricot (Crayola: Apricot) (Hex: #FDD5B1) (RGB: 253, 213, 177)
APRICOT (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #FBCEB1) (RGB: 251, 206, 177)
Light Medium Apricot (Apricot Light) (Xona.com color list) (Hex: #F7CDB9) (RGB: 247, 205, 185)
Apricot Ice (Plochere) (Hex: #FAD6A5) (RGB: 250, 214, 165)
Apricot Cream (Plochere) (Hex: #F3E5AB) (RGB: 243, 229, 171)
Rich Apricot (Apricot) (Plochere) (Hex: #FAB57F) (RGB: 250, 181, 127)
Mellow Apricot (British Standards BS 5252 #06E50) (Hex: #F8B878) (RGB: 248, 184, 120)
Italian Apricot (Albicocca) (Fantetti & Petracchi [2]) (Hex: #FFB280) (RGB: 255, 178, 128)
Apricot Tan (Plochere) (Hex: #E3A857) (RGB: 227, 168, 87)
Medium Apricot (Apricot) (Xona.com color list) (Hex: #EB9373) (RGB: 235, 147, 115)
Deep Apricot (Apricot) (ISCC-NBS #50) (Hex: #ED872D) (RGB: 237, 135, 45)
French Apricot (Apricot) (Pourpre.com) (Hex: #E67E30) (RGB: 230, 126, 48)
British Apricot (Apricot) (British Standards BS 381 #568) (Hex: #E18731) (RGB: 225, 135, 49)
Chinese Apricot (Hex: #E69966) (RGB: 230, 153, 102)
Apricot Buff (Ridgway) (Hex: #D99058) (RGB: 217, 144, 88)


  1. Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York: 1930—McGraw-Hill. See page 189 for year of first recorded use of color name reference and page 43, Plate 10 Color Sample 7F for color sample of Apricot.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 S. Fantetti and C. Petracchi Il Dizionario Del Colori 2001 Zanichelli ISBN 8808079953