Chowder is an American animatedtelevision series that started on Cartoon Network on November 2, 2007. The show was created by C.H. Greenblatt, a former storyboard artist on SpongeBob SquarePants and The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy. The title character is a young child named Chowder. Chowder is a student to a chef named Mung Daal, who owns a baking company serving the fictional "Marzipan City". The show has animation with stop motion animation and puppetry.
The series revolves around the titular Chowder, a cat-bear-rabbit hybrid and aspiring young cook at Chef Mung Daal's catering company. Though he is lighthearted and carefree, Chowder's actions habitually land him in circumstances beyond his control, partly due to his large appetite and absent-mindedness. Mung and his wife Truffles, Mung's rock monster employee Schnitzel, and Chowder's gaseous pet Kimchi all try to aid Chowder in his ambitions to become a great chef, but frequently find themselves undermined by the calamitous antics that ensue. Chowder is also undermined by Panini, a girl who has an unrequited love for Chowder, going so far as to say that he is her boyfriend despite the pair not actually dating.
Chowder (voiced by Nicky Jones): A chubby lavender cat/bear/rabbit[1]hybrid who serves as an apprentice under the chef Mung Daal, Chowder lives with Mung Daal and his wife, Truffles, in a room at the top of the catering business. Chowder wants to become a great chef, but he is very impulsive and scatterbrained and often gives in to his urges. He is always hungry and eats anything, even a customer's order. Chowder can also regurgitate objects, and he is used as a storage container by the other characters. According to Greenblatt, he is a composite of a cat, a bear, and a rabbit, and his species was verified in at least one episode.[2] C.H. Greenblatt voiced his adult self in the last episode. In the final episode, "Chowder Grows Up" Chowder takes over the Catering Company, has his own apprentice, and marries Panini. He is also a father to 50 babies.
Mung Daal (voiced by Dwight Schultz): The elderly goblin chef who runs the catering company at which Chowder works.[3] He serves as Chowder's cooking master. Although his exact age has not been stated, he has mentioned that he has cooked for at least 386 years,[4] and he celebrated 450 years of marriage to Truffles (see below). He likes to impress ladies, to the point where as a child apprentice, he prepared a dish incorrectly due to becoming distracted, which he and Chowder had to time travel to fix.[5] He is a light blue-colored humanoid with an oversized nose and ears and is named after the Indian dishmungdaal. Greenblatt had originally planned to give Mung an Indian accent, but later decided against it.