
lack of light

Darkness is when there is absence of light. In practice, out in the open air, there is always almost some light, however slight. The darkness of the night sky is estimated by a nine-point scale known as the Bortle scale.

Everything around us looks black and indistinguishable in the dark
Separation of light and darkness on the first day of creation, from the Sistine Chapel ceiling by Michelangelo

Darkness is made by blocking light from the sun or some other source of light, which makes shadow. At night the Earth blocks the sun, and casts a shadow over one entire side of the world. There is heat radiation even in the dark.

In mythology, darkness is often connected with evil. Many people are uncomfortable or afraid when in the dark, especially children.

In religion, darkness is considered as beginning of the world, before the light appeared. At the same time, the darkness was "the second to last plague" (Exodus 10:21).

Darkness in art


Many artists used and still use darkness to fill the void spaces on the canvas. Also it used for chiaroscuro. To create darkness, all colored paints are mixed. Every color absorbs light frequencies.