List of characters in the Khamba Thoibi

Khamba Thoibi is one of the longest epic poems in the world. It was composed by Hijam Anganghal. The characters are mostly historical, along with the addition of mythological features. The most important characters of the Khamba Thoibi can be said to include: Thangching, Khuman Khamba, Moirang Thoibi and Nongban. Other significant characters include Khamnu, Kabui Salang Maiba, Iwang Puriklai Chingkhu Telheiba, Chingkhu Akhuba, Puremba, Ngangkha Leima, Senu and Soura. Deities mentioned in the epic include Koiren Leima, Panthoibi, Khuman Apokpa.

Khuman Khamba being tortured by the elephant, under the evil plans of Nongban and Chingkhu Akhuba, but Moirang Thoibi rescued him in time.
Khuman Khamba hunting the Khoirentak tiger.



Ayangleima (ꯑꯌꯥꯡꯂꯩꯃ) is the name identifying three goddesses, who are the two Koiren Leimas and Panthoibi. All these goddesses are said to play significant role in appearing at the dreams of both Khuman Khamba as well as Moirang Thoibi at appropriate timing to save something from destruction.

Kabui Salang Maiba


Kabui Salang Maiba (ꯀꯕꯨꯏ ꯁꯂꯥꯡ ꯃꯥꯏꯕ) is an old experienced high priest and a king of the Kabul village. He is an old friend of Khuman Puremba. So, after the death of Khuman Puremba, he willingly brought up Khuman Khamba and Khamnu, the children of his friend. He taught several skills and training to Khuman Khamba during the later's stay at his village.



Khamnu (ꯈꯝꯅꯨ) is the daughter of Ngangkhaleima, the wood nymph and Chingkhu Telheiba, the king of Ancient Moirang. But she was born in the house of Khuman Puremba, as her mother got a second marriage to the later. After the demise of her parents, she brought up her younger brother, Khuman Khamba, bearing every sufferings right from her childhood.[1][2][3][4]

Khuman Apokpa


Little is mentioned about Khuman Apokpa (ꯈꯨꯃꯟ ꯑꯄꯣꯛꯄ), the progenitor of the Khuman dynasty in the epic. The cult of Khuman Apokpa is mainly worshipped by the people of Khuman blood.[5][6][7] Once when Moirang Thoibi visited him, unable to think what should be done, Khuman Khamba wear an elongated basket and hide himself in a corner of the house. When the princess saw him, she asked Khamnu what is the object. At this, Khamnu replied that it is the Khuman Apokpa. Though witty Thoibi knew the truth, she willingly bow down to Khamba.

Khuman Khamba


Khuman Khamba (ꯈꯨꯃꯟ ꯈꯝꯕ) is the son of Khuman Puremba, a brave warrior and Ngangkhaleima, a wood nymph. He is best known for being a paragon of far reaching adventures and masculinity. He is a lover of Moirang Thoibi and after killing the Khoirentak tiger, he got married to the princess.[8][9][10][11][3][9]

Khuman Puremba


Khuman Puremba (ꯈꯨꯃꯟ ꯄꯨꯔꯦꯝꯕ) or Khuman Purenba (ꯈꯨꯃꯟ ꯄꯨꯔꯦꯟꯕ) is a grandson of a Khuman prince, who once fled from the Khuman kingdom to Ancient Moirang trying to prevent political turmoil and lead a peaceful life. He is a brave warrior and a floriculture minister of the Moirang kingdom. He is best known for capturing the nine tigers alive from the wild.

Moirang Thoibi


Moirang Thoibi (ꯃꯣꯏꯔꯥꯡ ꯊꯣꯏꯕꯤ), also known as Ewanglon Thoibi (ꯏꯋꯥꯡꯂꯣꯟ ꯊꯣꯏꯕꯤ), is the daughter of Chingkhuba (Chingkhu Akhuba), the younger brother of Chingkhu Telheiba, the then king of Ancient Moirang. For the king and his brother have no ward other than the princess, she grew up as the darling of the entire kingdom. She is the lady love of Khuman Khamba, for whose chemistry gets envied by Nongban. Legend says she and her lover, Khuman Khamba first performed a devotional dance form in the premise of the Ebudhou Thangjing Temple, which was later known as the Khamba Thoibi Jagoi.[8][9][12][13]

The term "Thoibi" means perfection or completion of beauty and accomplishments.[3]



Ngangkhaleima (ꯉꯥꯡꯈꯂꯩꯃ) or Ngangkhareima (ꯉꯥꯡꯈꯔꯩꯃ) is a wood nymph (Helloi). She had heard about the fame of Khuman Puremba from a very long time and wished to marry him. So, she sent the nine demigods transfigured into nine ferocious tigers to attack the villagers so that Khuman Puremba may charged defensive force against the beasts. At this, she took the advantage of meeting him in the woods. From the very first meet, she seduced him to marry. But fate does not permit them unite so soon. Their relationship was interrupted by Chingkhu Telheiba, the Moirang king. The king asked Puremba to offer the lady for his own harem. Unable to reject the king, he did. Ngangkhaleima gets conceived having Khamnu in her womb. It during that time the king returned her back to Puremba. So, after the birth of Khamnu, Khuman Khamba was born to the true lovers.



Nongban (ꯅꯣꯡꯕꯥꯟ) is the principal villain character in the epic saga. He is a man of Angom blood lineage. He is a suitor of Moirang Thoibi, besides having numerous wives. Knowing the fact that the princess loves Khuman Khamba, he devised many evil plots to get rid of him. But every time, Thangching and other gods save Khuman Khamba from danger.[3][14][15][16][11] Later, he died when a tiger attacked him in the hunt.

Senu (ꯁꯦꯅꯨ) is the closest friend and a maid of Moirang Thoibi. Legend says that she is the actual daughter of Chingkhu Akhuba, who after returning from a journey, found a baby girl on the way, brought her to home. During the very time, Chingkhu Akhuba's wife gave birth to a baby girl at home. Thoughtlessly, Chingkhu Akhuba placed the stranger girl along the side of his own daughter. When his wife felt conscious, she mistook the stranger girl as her own baby and brought her up as Moirang Thoibi while her own blood grew up as a servant girl, Senu.

Soura (ꯁꯧꯔꯥ) is a servant of Nongban. He is often given important tasks by his master because of his witty attitudes and skillful performance.



Thangching (ꯊꯥꯡꯆꯤꯡ) is the director of the story from the beginning till end. Every characters are playing their role according to his direction. Sometimes, he sent his good lady, Koiren Leima to inform alarming news to Khuman Khamba and Moirang Thoibi at their dreams. In Ancient Moirang, he is the greatest of all the gods. So, the Lai Haraoba festival is dedicated especially for him.[17][18]


  1. Bond, Ruskin (2000). The Penguin Book of Classical Indian Love Stories and Lyrics. Penguin UK. p. 176. ISBN 9789351188148.
  2. Indian Antiquary0. Education Society's Press. 1877. p. 220.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Singh, N. Tombi (1976). Khamba and Thoibi: The Unscaled Height of Love. Chitrebirentombichand Khorjeirup.
  4. Phyllis Rhoda Ellen Atkinson (1931). Best Short Stories of India. D. B. Taraporevala sons & Company.
  5. Mahapatra, Mary D. (2001). Tribal Religion and Rituals: Accounts of Superstition, Sorcery and Spirits. Dominant Publishing. ISBN 978-81-87336-69-3.
  6. Ghosh, G.K. (1992). Tribals and Their Culture in Assam, Meghalaya, and Mizoram. Ashish Publishing House. ISBN 978-81-7024-455-4.
  7. Devi, Lairenlakpam Bino (2002). The Lois of Manipur: Andro, Khurkhul, Phayeng and Sekmai. Mittal Publications. p. 49. ISBN 978-81-7099-849-5.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Freda Marie Houlston Bedi (1967). Social Welfare. Publications Division.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Chandra, N.D.R.; Das, Nigamananda (2007). Ecology, Myth, and Mystery: Contemporary Poetry in English from Northeast India. Sarup & Sons. p. 83. ISBN 978-81-7625-742-8.
  10. George, K.M. (1997). Masterpieces of Indian Literature: Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu & Urdu. National Book Trust. ISBN 978-81-237-1978-8.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Simha, Mayembama Anandamohana (2002). A. Dorendrajit Singh. Sahitya Akademi. ISBN 978-81-260-1112-4.
  12. Dalal, Roshen (2017). India at 70: snapshots since Independenc. Penguin Random House India Private Limited. p. 304. ISBN 9789386815378.
  13. Datta, Amaresh (1987). Encyclopaedia of Indian Literature: A-Devo. Sahitya Akademi. p. 222. ISBN 978-81-260-1803-1.
  14. Oinam, James (2016). New Folktales of Manipur. Notion Press. p. 76. ISBN 978-1-945400-70-4.
  15. Singh, TSP (2018). Apology. Partridge Publishing. p. 84. ISBN 978-1-5437-0188-3.
  16. Eurasian Studies Yearbook. Eurolingua. 1996.
  17. North East India History Association. Session (1999). Proceedings of North East India History Association. The Association.
  18. The Manipuri Lais