MJ (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
MJ, or Michelle Jones, is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), portrayed by actress Zendaya. She is introduced in Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) as a classmate of Peter Parker (played by Tom Holland) at Midtown High School. Initially portrayed as somewhat of an outsider with a sarcastic demeanor, MJ gradually becomes a key character in Peter's life, providing both support and an evolving romantic interest.
In Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), MJ steps further into the spotlight, showcasing her intelligence and resourcefulness as she helps Peter navigate the complexities of being Spider-Man. Their relationship deepens throughout the film series, culminating in significant moments that highlight their bond.
In Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), MJ's role is pivotal as she helps Peter deal with the consequences of his identity being exposed to the world. The film explores the challenges of their relationship, especially in the context of external threats and Peter's struggles with being Spider-Man.
MJ's character is notable for being a departure from the traditional portrayal of Mary Jane Watson, a character from the original Spider-Man comics. Instead, MJ in the MCU is an original creation that combines elements from various characters in the Spider-Man lore while showcasing a distinct personality and perspective. Her strong portrayal resonates with many fans, contributing to the success of the Spider-Man franchise within the MCU.
changeMovie appearances
changeYear | Movie | Portrayed by |
2017 | Spider-Man: Homecoming | Zendaya |
2019 | Spider-Man: Far From Home | |
2021 | Spider-Man: No Way Home |