An editor has asked for quick deletion of this template.
If you think this template should not be deleted, please add {{Wait}} below this message, and then say why on this template's talk page. Please do not remove this notice from pages that you have created yourself. Administrators, remember to check what links here, the page history (last edit), and the page log, before deletion. |
If you plan to make breaking changes to this template, move it, or nominate it for deletion, please notify Twinkle's users and maintainers at Wikipedia talk:Twinkle as a courtesy, as this template is used in the standard installation of Twinkle. Thank you! |
This template tags pages for quick deletion.
There are a few possible variables for each deletion reason.
{{QD|1=A1|2=only a test page|3=test page|editor=Exampleuser}}
will show
Exampleuser has asked for quick deletion of this template. The reason for asking for deletion is: A1 (Little or no meaning)
More details: only a test page
If you think this template should not be deleted, please add {{Wait}} below this message, and then say why on this template's talk page. Please do not remove this notice from test pages that you have created yourself. Administrators, remember to check what links here, the page history (last edit), and the page log, before deletion. |
Deletion reasons
All pages
- Nonsense: non/G1/nonsense
- Test page: test/G2/test page
- Vandalism: vand/G3/vandalism
- Recreation of deleted article: recreation/G4/deleted/already deleted
- Created by banned or blocked user/G5/blocked
- Housekeeping: G6/housekeeping/house
- Author requests deletion or blanked the page: G7/author/author deletion/blank
- Talk pages of pages that do not exist: G8/Orphaned/talk/talkpage
- Attack page: G10/attack/attack page
- Advertising: G11/advert/advertising/spam
- Copyright infringement: G12/copyright/copyright infringement/copyvio
- Little/no meaning: A1/meaning/no meaning/no context
- No content: A2/content/no content/empty
- Article is transwikied: A3/transwiki
- Does not say why it is notable: A4/notable/notability/NN/nn
- Not in English: A5/english/not english
- Hoax: A6/hoax
- Broken redirect: R1/redirect/broken redirect
- Redirects to the User: or User talk: namespace: R2/userredir/userredirect/user redirect
- Redirects with an uncommon typo: R3/typo/uncommontypo/uncommon redirect
- Image upload that should be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons instead: I/I1/M/M1/F/F1/file/image/picture/upload
Related pages
- {{Qd-user}}
- {{QD-multiple}}
- {{Wait}}