Tom and Jerry: The Movie
1992 American animated film directed by Phil Roman
Tom and Jerry: The Movie (also known as Tom and Jerry: The Great Escape) is an 1993 German-American animated comedy-adventure musical family movie directed by Phil Roman produced by Film Roman and Turner Entertainment, distributed by Miramax Films, released in Germany by October 1, 1992 and United States on July 30, 1993. as the first film's installment of the Tom and Jerry Movie trilogy, with few direct-to-video sequels then.
Tom and Jerry: The Movie | |
Directed by | Phil Roman |
Written by | Dennis Marks |
Based on | |
Produced by | Phil Roman Bill Schultz |
Starring | Richard Kind Dana Hill Anndi McAfee Charlotte Rae Tony Jay Ed Gilbert David L. Lander Michael Bell Howard Morris |
Edited by | William Hanna |
Music by | Henry Mancini Randy Edelman |
Production companies | WMG Film Film Roman Live Entertainment Turner Entertainment Co. |
Distributed by | Miramax Films Warner Bros (USA Home video) |
Release date |
Running time | 84 minutes |
Countries | United States Germany |
Language | English |
Voice cast
change- Richard Kind as Tom Cat
- Dana Hill as Jerry Mouse
- Anndi McAfee as Robyn Starling
- Ed Gilbert as Puggsy
- David Lander as Frankie Da Flea
- Charlotte Rae as Aunt Pristine Figg
- Tony Jay as Lickboot
- Rip Taylor as Captain Kiddie
- Howard Morris as Squawk
- Henry Gibson as Dr. Applecheek
- Michael Bell as Ferdinand, Straycatcher 1/Larry
- Sydney Lassick as Straycatcher 2/Sid
- Don Messick as Droopy
Additional voices include Raymond McLeod as Bulldog, Alley Cat 1, Scott Wohjahn as Alley Cat 3, Mitchell D. Moore as Alley Cat 2, Greg Burson, BJ Ward, Tino Insana.