Arrondissement of Saint-Gaudens

arrondissement of France

The arrondissement of Saint-Gaudens is an arrondissement of France. It is part of the Haute-Garonne département in the Occitanie region. Its capital is the city of Saint-Gaudens.

Location within the region Occitanie
Location within the region Occitanie
No. of communes235
2,139.6 km2 (826.1 sq mi)
INSEE code312



When the Haute-Garonne department was created in 1790, Saint-Gaudens was one of the districts of the department and, with the creation of arrondissements in 1800, the arrondissement of Saint-Gaudens was part of that original department.[1]



It is the most southern of the arrondissements of the department, with an area of 2,139.6 km2 (826 sq mi);[2] most of the arrondissement lies on the Pyrenees mountain range. It is the arrondissement of Haut-Garonne with fewest people living there, with a population with 77,545 inhabitants and a density of 36.2 inhabitants/km²[3]

The arrondissement is bordered north by the Gers (Occitanie) department, to the northeast by the arrondissement of Muret, to the east by the Ariège (Occitanie) department, to the south by Spain and to the west by the Hautes-Pyrénées (Occitanie) department.





After the reorganisation of the cantons in France,[4] cantons are not subdivisions of the arrondissements so they could have communes that belong to different arrondissements.

In the arrondissement of Saint-Gaudens, there is only one canton where not all their "communes" are in the arrondissement, the canton of Cazères. The following table shows the distribution of the "communes" in the cantons and arrondiissements:

Cantons and communes in the arrondissement of Saint-Gaudens
Canton Arrondissements Total
Muret Saint-Gaudens Toulouse
3102 Bagnères-de-Luchon 132 132
3106 Cazères 48 43 91
3114 Saint-Gaudens 62 62
Total 237



The arrondissement of Saint-Gaudens has 237 communes; they are (with their INSEE codes):[5]

  1. Agassac (31001)
  2. Alan (31005)
  3. Ambax (31007)
  4. Anan (31008)
  5. Antichan-de-Frontignes (31009)
  6. Antignac (31010)
  7. Arbas (31011)
  8. Arbon (31012)
  9. Ardiège (31013)
  10. Arguenos (31014)
  11. Argut-Dessous (31015)
  12. Arlos (31017)
  13. Arnaud-Guilhem (31018)
  14. Artigue (31019)
  15. Aspet (31020)
  16. Aspret-Sarrat (31021)
  17. Aulon (31023)
  18. Aurignac (31028)
  19. Ausseing (31030)
  20. Ausson (31031)
  21. Auzas (31034)
  22. Bachas (31039)
  23. Bachos (31040)
  24. Bagiry (31041)
  25. Bagnères-de-Luchon (31042)
  26. Balesta (31043)
  27. Barbazan (31045)
  28. Baren (31046)
  29. Beauchalot (31050)
  30. Belbèze-en-Comminges (31059)
  31. Benque (31063)
  32. Benque-Dessous-et-Dessus (31064)
  33. Bezins-Garraux (31067)
  34. Billière (31068)
  35. Binos (31590)
  36. Blajan (31070)
  37. Boissède (31072)
  38. Bordes-de-Rivière (31076)
  39. Boudrac (31078)
  40. Boulogne-sur-Gesse (31080)
  41. Bourg-d'Oueil (31081)
  42. Boussan (31083)
  43. Boutx (31085)
  44. Bouzin (31086)
  45. Burgalays (31092)
  46. Cabanac-Cazaux (31095)
  47. Cardeilhac (31108)
  48. Cassagnabère-Tournas (31109)
  49. Cassagne (31110)
  50. Castagnède (31112)
  51. Castelbiague (31114)
  52. Castelgaillard (31115)
  53. Castéra-Vignoles (31121)
  54. Castillon-de-Larboust (31123)
  55. Castillon-de-Saint-Martory (31124)
  56. Cathervielle (31125)
  57. Caubous (31127)
  58. Cazac (31593)
  59. Cazaril-Laspènes (31129)
  60. Cazaril-Tambourès (31130)
  61. Cazaunous (31131)
  62. Cazaux-Layrisse (31132)
  63. Cazeaux-de-Larboust (31133)
  64. Cazeneuve-Montaut (31134)
  65. Charlas (31138)
  66. Chaum (31139)
  67. Chein-Dessus (31140)
  68. Ciadoux (31141)
  69. Cier-de-Luchon (31142)
  70. Cier-de-Rivière (31143)
  71. Cierp-Gaud (31144)
  72. Cirès (31146)
  73. Clarac (31147)
  74. Coueilles (31152)
  75. Couret (31155)
  76. Cuguron (31158)
  77. Le Cuing (31159)
  78. Encausse-les-Thermes (31167)
  79. Eoux (31168)
  80. Escanecrabe (31170)
  81. Escoulis (31591)
  82. Esparron (31172)
  83. Estadens (31174)
  84. Estancarbon (31175)
  85. Esténos (31176)
  86. Eup (31177)
  87. Fabas (31178)
  88. Figarol (31183)
  89. Fos (31190)
  90. Fougaron (31191)
  91. Francazal (31195)
  92. Franquevielle (31197)
  93. Le Fréchet (31198)
  94. Fronsac (31199)
  95. Frontignan-de-Comminges (31200)
  96. Frontignan-Savès (31201)
  97. Galié (31207)
  98. Ganties (31208)
  99. Garin (31213)
  100. Génos (31217)
  101. Gensac-de-Boulogne (31218)
  102. Gouaux-de-Larboust (31221)
  103. Gouaux-de-Luchon (31222)
  104. Goudex (31223)
  105. Gourdan-Polignan (31224)
  106. Guran (31235)
  107. Herran (31236)
  108. His (31237)
  109. Huos (31238)
  110. L'Isle-en-Dodon (31239)
  111. Izaut-de-l'Hôtel (31241)
  112. Jurvielle (31242)
  113. Juzet-d'Izaut (31245)
  114. Juzet-de-Luchon (31244)
  115. Labarthe-Inard (31246)
  116. Labarthe-Rivière (31247)
  117. Labastide-Paumès (31251)
  118. Labroquère (31255)
  119. Laffite-Toupière (31260)
  120. Lalouret-Laffiteau (31268)
  121. Landorthe (31270)
  122. Larcan (31274)
  123. Larroque (31276)
  124. Latoue (31278)
  125. Lécussan (31289)
  126. Lège (31290)
  127. Lespiteau (31294)
  128. Lespugue (31295)
  129. Lestelle-de-Saint-Martory (31296)
  130. Lez (31298)
  131. Lieoux (31300)
  132. Lilhac (31301)
  133. Lodes (31302)
  134. Loudet (31305)
  135. Lourde (31306)
  136. Lunax (31307)
  137. Luscan (31308)
  138. Malvezie (31313)
  139. Mancioux (31314)
  140. Mane (31315)
  141. Marignac (31316)
  142. Marsoulas (31321)
  143. Martisserre (31322)
  144. Martres-de-Rivière (31323)
  145. Mauvezin (31333)
  146. Mayrègne (31335)
  147. Mazères-sur-Salat (31336)
  148. Melles (31337)
  149. Milhas (31342)
  150. Mirambeau (31343)
  151. Miramont-de-Comminges (31344)
  152. Molas (31347)
  153. Moncaup (31348)
  154. Mondilhan (31350)
  155. Mont-de-Galié (31369)
  156. Montastruc-de-Salies (31357)
  157. Montauban-de-Luchon (31360)
  158. Montbernard (31363)
  159. Montespan (31372)
  160. Montesquieu-Guittaut (31373)
  161. Montgaillard-de-Salies (31376)
  162. Montgaillard-sur-Save (31378)
  163. Montmaurin (31385)
  164. Montoulieu-Saint-Bernard (31386)
  165. Montréjeau (31390)
  166. Montsaunès (31391)
  167. Moustajon (31394)
  168. Nénigan (31397)
  169. Nizan-Gesse (31398)
  170. (31404)
  171. Ore (31405)
  172. Payssous (31408)
  173. Péguilhan (31412)
  174. Peyrissas (31414)
  175. Peyrouzet (31415)
  176. Pointis-de-Rivière (31426)
  177. Pointis-Inard (31427)
  178. Ponlat-Taillebourg (31430)
  179. Portet-d'Aspet (31431)
  180. Portet-de-Luchon (31432)
  181. Poubeau (31434)
  182. Proupiary (31440)
  183. Puymaurin (31443)
  184. Razecueillé (31447)
  185. Régades (31449)
  186. Rieucazé (31452)
  187. Riolas (31456)
  188. Roquefort-sur-Garonne (31457)
  189. Rouède (31461)
  190. Saccourvielle (31465)
  191. Saint-André (31468)
  192. Saint-Aventin (31470)
  193. Saint-Béat (31471)
  194. Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges (31472)
  195. Saint-Élix-Séglan (31477)
  196. Saint-Ferréol-de-Comminges (31479)
  197. Saint-Frajou (31482)
  198. Saint-Gaudens (31483)
  199. Saint-Ignan (31487)
  200. Saint-Lary-Boujean (31493)
  201. Saint-Laurent (31494)
  202. Saint-Loup-en-Comminges (31498)
  203. Saint-Mamet (31500)
  204. Saint-Marcet (31502)
  205. Saint-Martory (31503)
  206. Saint-Médard (31504)
  207. Saint-Paul-d'Oueil (31508)
  208. Saint-Pé-d'Ardet (31509)
  209. Saint-Pé-Delbosc (31510)
  210. Saint-Plancard (31513)
  211. Saleich (31521)
  212. Salerm (31522)
  213. Salies-du-Salat (31523)
  214. Salles-et-Pratviel (31524)
  215. Saman (31528)
  216. Samouillan (31529)
  217. Sarrecave (31531)
  218. Sarremezan (315Saux-et-Pomarède32)
  219. Sauveterre-de-Comminges (31535)
  220. Saux-et-Pomarède (31536)
  221. Savarthès (31537)
  222. Sédeilhac (31539)
  223. Seilhan (31542)
  224. Sengouagnet (31544)
  225. Sepx (31545)
  226. Signac (31548)
  227. Sode (31549)
  228. Soueich (31550)
  229. Terrebasse (31552)
  230. Touille (31554)
  231. Les Tourreilles (31556)
  232. Trébons-de-Luchon (31559)
  233. Urau (31562)
  234. Valcabrère (31564)
  235. Valentine (31565)
  236. Villeneuve-de-Rivière (31585)
  237. Villeneuve-Lécussan (31586)

The communes in the arrondissement with more inhabitants are:

Commune Population[3]
Canton Intercommunality
31483 Saint-Gaudens 11,255 Saint-Gaudens Le Saint-Gaudinois
31390 Montréjeau 2,872 Saint-Gaudens Nebouzan-Rivière-Verdun
31042 Bagnères-de-Luchon 2,445 Bagnères-de-Luchon Le Pays de Luchon
31523 Salies-du-Salat 1,814 Bagnères-de-Luchon Salies-du-Salat
31585 Villeneuve-de-Rivière 1,793 Saint-Gaudens Le Saint-Gaudinois
31239 L' Isle-en-Dodon 1,769 Cazères Les Portes du Comminges
31080 Boulogne-sur-Gesse 1,604 Saint-Gaudens Le Boulonnais
31247 Labarthe-Rivière 1,350 Saint-Gaudens Le Saint-Gaudinois
31224 Gourdan-Polignan 1,223 Bagnères-de-Luchon Le Haut-Comminges
31028 Aurignac 1,184 Cazères Les Terres d'Aurignac


  1. "Historique de la Haute-Garonne". Le SPLAF (in French). Retrieved 30 September 2013.
  2. "Département de la Haute-Garonne (31)". Comparateur de territoire (in French). Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques - INSEE. Retrieved 13 March 2017.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Régions, départements, arrondissements, cantons et communes" (PDF). Populations légales 2014 (in French). Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques - INSEE. Retrieved 13 March 2017.
  4. Décret n° 2014-152 du 13 février 2014 portant délimitation des cantons dans le département de la Haute-Garonne
  5. "Arrondissement de Saint-Gaudens (312)". Géographie administrative et d'étude (in French). Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques - INSEE. Retrieved 13 March 2017.

43°06′00″N 0°43′00″E / 43.1000°N 0.7167°E / 43.1000; 0.7167