Brown is a color. There are many ways to make the color brown – it can be a mixture of black and orange, of red, blue and yellow, of red and green, of blue and orange, of yellow and purple or of red, yellow and black paint.
Brown | |
Color coordinates | |
Hex triplet | #993300 |
Source | CSS Color Module Level 3 |
Brown is the color of:
Tones of brown color comparison chart
changeBeige (web color) (Hex: #F5F5DC) (RGB: 245, 245, 220) |
Blanched Almond (web color) (Hex: #FFEBCD) (RGB: 255, 235, 205) |
Banana Mania (Crayola) (Hex: #FBE7B2) (RGB: 251, 231, 128) |
Moccasin (web color) (Hex: #FFE4B5) (RGB: 255, 228, 182) |
Peach-Yellow (Hex: #FADFAD) (RGB: 250, 223, 173) |
Light Buff (Hex: #ECD9B0) (RGB: 236, 217, 176) |
Wheat (web color) (Hex: #F5DEB3) (RGB: 245, 222, 179) |
Bisque (web color) (Hex: #FFE4C4) (RGB: 255, 228, 196) |
Navajo White (web color) (Hex: #FFDEAD) (RGB: 255, 222, 173) |
Light Khaki (X11 "Khaki") (Hex: #F0E68C) (RGB: 240, 230, 140) |
Pale Goldenrod (web color) (Hex: #EEE8AA) (RGB: 238, 232, 170) |
Flax (Hex: #EEDC82) (RGB: 238, 220, 130) |
Almond (Crayola) (Hex: #EFDECD) (RGB: 239, 222, 205) |
Desert Sand (Crayola) (Hex: #EDC9AF) (RGB: 237, 201, 175) |
Zinnwaldite (Hex: #EBC2AF) (RGB: 235, 194, 175) |
Rosy Brown Light ( Color List) (Hex: #E2CACA) (RGB: 226, 202, 202) |
Ecru (Hex: #C3B091) (RGB: 205, 184, 145) |
Tan (Hex: #D2B48C) (RGB: 210, 180, 140) |
Khaki (HTML/CSS web color "Khaki") (Hex: #C3B091) (RGB: 195, 176, 145) |
Dark Khaki (X11 web color "Dark Khaki") (Hex: #BDB76B) (RGB: 189, 183, 107) |
Rose Quartz (Hex: #AA98A9) (RGB: 170, 152, 169) |
Rosy Brown (web color) (Hex: #BC8F8F) (RGB: 188, 143, 143) |
Brandy Rose ( Color List) (Hex: #BB8983) (RGB: 187, 137, 131) |
Lavender Brown (Medium Vanda) (Plochere "Vanda") (Hex: #AA8A9E) (RGB: 170, 138, 158) |
Puce (Hex: #CC8899) (RGB: 204, 136, 153) |
Terra Cotta (Hex: #E2725B) (RGB: 226, 114, 91) |
Bittersweet (Crayola) (Hex: #FE6F5E) (RGB: 254, 111, 94) |
Tumbleweed (Crayola) (Hex: #DEAA88) (RGB: 222, 170, 136) |
Buff (Hex: #E0AB76) (RGB: 224, 171, 118) |
Sandy Brown (web color) (Hex: #F4A460) (RGB: 244, 164, 96) |
Goldenrod (web color) (Hex: #DAA520) (RGB: 218, 165, 32) |
Brass (Hex: #C3A368) (RGB: 195, 163, 104) |
Pale Taupe (Mouse) (Hex: #BC987E) (RGB: 188, 152, 26) |
Antique Brass (Crayola) (Hex: #C88A65) (RGB: 200, 138, 101) |
Earth Yellow (Hex: #E1A95F) (RGB: 225, 169, 95) |
Bronze (Hex: #CD7F32) (RGB: 205, 127, 50) |
Ochre (Hex: #CC7722) (RGB: 204, 119, 34) |
Light Brown (Hex: #B5651D) (RGB: 181, 101, 29) |
Copper (Hex: #B87333) (RGB: 184, 115, 51) |
Dark Goldenrod (web color) (Hex: #B8860B) (RGB: 184, 134, 11) |
Sandy Taupe (Hex: #967117) (RGB: 150, 113, 23) |
Dark Tan (Hex: #918151) (RGB: 145, 129, 81) |
Shadow (Crayola) (Hex: #837050) (RGB: 131, 112, 80) |
Beaver (Crayola) (Hex: #926F5B) (RGB: 146, 111, 91) |
Cinerous (Hex: #98817B) (RGB: 152, 129, 123) |
Pale Brown (Hex: #987654) (RGB: 152, 118, 84) |
Dark Buff (Hex: #976638) (RGB: 151, 102, 56) |
French Beige (Hex: #A67B5B) (RGB: 166, 123, 91) |
Peru (web color) (Hex: #CD853F) (RGB: 205, 133, 63) |
Cocoa Brown (web color Chocolate) (Hex: #D2691E) (RGB: 210, 105, 30) |
Tenne (Tawny) (Hex: #CD5700) (RGB: 205, 87, 0) |
Burnt Orange (Hex: #CC5500) (RGB: 204, 85, 0) |
Mahogany (Hex: #C04000) (RGB: 192, 64, 0) |
Dark Terra Cotta (Hex: #CC4E3C) (RGB: 204, 78, 92) |
Chestnut (Indian Red [web color]) (Hex: #CD5C5C) (RGB: 205, 92, 92) |
Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown (Crayola) (Hex: #C45655) (RGB: 196, 86, 55) |
Deep Chestnut (Vermont Maple Syrup) (Crayola Chestnut) (Hex: #B94E48) (RGB: 185, 78, 72) |
Dark Chestnut (Hex: #986960) (RGB: 152, 105, 96) |
Ebulient Brown (Crayola Brown) (Hex: #AF593E) (RGB: 175, 89, 67) |
Sienna (web color) (Hex: #A0522D) (RGB: 160, 82, 45) |
Brown (Hex: #964B00) (RGB: 150, 75, 0) |
Walnut (Hex: #664100) (RGB: 102, 65, 0) |
Saddle Brown (web color) (Hex: #8B4513) (RGB: 139, 69, 13) |
Rust (Hex: #87410E) (RGB: 183, 65, 14) |
Medium Brown (Hex: #804000) (RGB: 128, 64, 0) |
Russet (Hex: #80461B) (RGB: 128, 70, 27) |
Burnt Umber (Hex: #8A3324) (RGB: 138, 51, 36) |
Cordovan (Hex: #893F45) (RGB: 137, 63, 69) |
Red-Brown (web color Brown) (Hex: #A52A2A) (RGB: 165, 42, 42) |
Tea (Tea Red) (Orange Pekoe Tea) (Hex: #9C0D07) (RGB: 156, 13, 7) |
Burgundy (Hex: #900020) (RGB: 144, 0, 32) |
Maroon (Hex: #800000) (RGB: 128, 0, 0) |
Auburn (Hex: #712F26) (RGB: 113, 47, 38) |
Raw Umber (Hex: #734A12) (RGB: 115, 74, 18) |
Pullman Brown (UPS Brown) (Hex: #644117) (RGB: 100, 65, 23) |
Dark Brown (Hex: #654321) (RGB: 101, 67, 33) |
Coffee (Coffee Bean [Unroasted]) (Hex: #6F4E37) (RGB: 111, 78, 55) |
Sepia (Hex: #704214) (RGB: 112, 66, 20) |
Chocolate (Hex: #7B3F00) (RGB: 123, 63, 0) |
Bole (Hex: #79443B) (RGB: 121, 68, 59) |
Roast Coffee (Coffee Bean [Roasted]) (Deep Coffee) (Hex: #704241) (RGB: 112, 66, 65) |
Taupe Brown (Medium Taupe) (Hex: #674C47) (RGB: 103, 76, 21) |
Taupe (Hex: #483C32) (RGB: 72, 60, 50) |
Cafe Noir (Black Coffee) (Hex: #4B3621) (RGB: 75, 54, 33) |
Liver (Hex: #534B4F) (RGB: 83, 75, 79) |
Bistre (Hex: #3D2B1F) (RGB: 61, 43, 31) |
Seal Brown (Hex: #321414) (RGB: 50, 20, 20) |
Related pages
changeWikimedia Commons has media related to Brown.