The European Green Party, also referred to as European Greens, is the European political party that represents national parties from across Europe who share Green values. The European Greens work closely with the Greens–European Free Alliance parliamentary group in the European parliament which is formed by elected Green party members along with the European Free Alliance, European Pirate Party and Volt Europa. The European Greens' partners include its youth wing the Federation of Young European Greens, the Green European Foundation and the Global Greens.
European Green Party | |
President | Mélanie Vogel and Thomas Waitz |
Secretary-General | Benedetta De Marte |
Founded | 21 February 2004 |
Preceded by | European Federation of Green Parties |
Headquarters | Rue du Taciturne 34, 1000 Brussels, Belgium |
Think tank | Green European Foundation |
Ideology | Green politics[1] Pro-Europeanism |
Political position | Centre-left to left-wing |
International affiliation | Global Greens |
European Parliament group | Greens–European Free Alliance |
Colours | Green |
European Parliament | 52 / 705 |
Website | |
europeangreens |
change- ↑ Nordsieck, Wolfram (2019). "European Union". Parties and Elections in Europe. Archived from the original on 8 June 2017. Retrieved 30 May 2019.