Creator and Maintainer of the Earth Science Online Video Database, now with 6,138 videos, representing over 4,481 hours of content, and a public API. Thousands more video submissions currently in backlog, waiting to be processed. Follow on Twitter or Discord for live updates on new submissions, news, database improvements, etc.

Earth Science aficionado. Blog project beginning at Active Marginalia. Currently writing book “The Living Stone”, a combined cultural and geological history of culturally and historically important stones.

Creator of Hermetica, the Helvetica of esoteric, cultural, and historical symbols.

Practitioner of Vajrayana Buddhism and third-year Tibetan translation student at Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo Translator Program in Dharamsala. Linguaphile.

Full-stack developer and graphic designer with 20+ years experience. Co-founder of two startups (both in stealth mode, at the moment, a web/desktop/mobile app in the productivity space, and a mobile app in the lifestyle & social space)

I'm also on GitHub