

I noticed in the last few hours that multiple accounts named Tony were created. Is there a reason why you've created multiple accounts? Only (talk) 10:37, 6 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hello, Mr/Ms Only. This is Tony's teacher. The other account was misspelled. You can destroy it if you like. He will use this one.Iron-Shark Tony (talk) 10:39, 6 July 2017 (UTC)Reply
So is "Iron-Shark Tony" an account used by Tony or an account used by his teacher? If it's the first, no one else should be using his account, including his teachers. Only (talk) 10:41, 6 July 2017 (UTC)Reply
Yes. I know. He was helping me, but I will change my password after class. Thank you for your help, Mr/Ms Only.Iron-Shark Tony (talk) 10:55, 6 July 2017 (UTC)Reply
Most of the students didn't set up their accounts before class, so I had to help create them during it. Tony had set up an account but realized he'd made some mistakes with his name, so we changed it to this. I replied on his behalf because your question doesn't make sense to ESL students. ("Two" doesn't seem like "multiple", either, unless Tony caused more trouble than he admitted to. Apologies if that was the case.)
Moving forward, all the edits apart from my reply to you were made by the students themselves; Tony will be using this account; and—no worries—I won't be playing around with any of them. Mr Spear (talk) 11:43, 6 July 2017 (UTC)Reply
there were four "Tony" accounts established in the last day: Iron-Shark, L-RON KNIGHT, Gentlemen, and AN STRONG LRON KNIGHT. That's why I raised questions about the multiple accounts. Only (talk) 12:12, 6 July 2017 (UTC)Reply
My apologies. I'll try to explain 'spamming' to him when I see him again.Mr Spear (talk) 14:16, 6 July 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hi, Tony


This is my account. Write to me here if you have any questions. Remember to use four equal signs ⟨=⟩ like this == Hi there == at the top of your message. Mr Spear (talk) 11:43, 6 July 2017 (UTC)Reply