I am an author. A biography and background of my book were published on Wikipedia years ago. The page is SUZANNE OLSSON. My daughter and grand daughter happily began the initial article, but their page was continually hacked. I fought with some editors to make corrections. This resulted in me being labeled a 'sock puppet' (I didn't even know what the word meant) banned from Wiki by these very same editors. The topic of my book, "Jesus in Kashmir, The Lost Tomb' is about religion, and this generates personal opinion, 'slants', and biases from some Wiki editors. Because some Wiki editors are religious, they tend to slant the article to reflect their personal views. This is usually unfavorable to me. After several years, it came to my attention that as the article currently appears, gross errors and unfavorable 'slants' remain in the current article.

When corrections were again attempted over the past few weeks by various people worldwide,the same Wiki editor again reverted to his preferred edits, although these contain gross errors. He continues to attack the contributors more than the contents.

It is impossible for me or anyone to make any changes, updates, or corrections. One example is the claim that tomb of Jesus in India was first mentioned by the Ahmadii Muslims. This is blatantly false, yet every attempt to correct this and insert the correct information-with links- has resulted in revisions back to the false statements by the same 'editor'. Brainydad made recent corrections after many hours and days of being extremely careful listing links and sources- being as accurate as possible. , but these were immediately reverted by the same user who harassed me and my family for their edits years ago. I would like the page to be locked. I am asking help from Wikipedia administrators. This has been going on for too many years now. If you are a Wiki administrator, please help me. Thank you.Suzanne Olsson (talk) 15:01, 10 April 2017 (UTC)Suzanne OlssonSuzanne Olsson (talk) 15:01, 10 April 2017 (UTC)Reply

Response to Wiki edit war


I have the misfortune to antagonize some really nasty bullies- "editors" at Wikipedia. When ever my name comes up, or I show them errors and bias, I am "warned" that I have no rights. I am blocked. And the article gets edited worse and worse. This is the original article I found stored on the Internet. You be the judge.